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Saturday, January 19, 2008

After Midterms What’s Next?

At last, midterms have long passed and gone. This midterm week wasn’t that stressful at all and the exams were quite easy. They seem easy for me but I’m not sure if I fared that well. But it’s a good thing that I got a good score in my NCM 102 – RLE (medical-surgical nursing) because my prelim exams, both in RLE and lecture, were bloody (lots of wrong answers and red X-marks)! But as expected, with the good comes the bad. My lecture exam is missing! I thought that my clinical instructor was joking but oh my God, the world came twirling around and I fainted! Well, I didn’t really faint. But for a person who lost his exam and who is uncertain if he passed or failed, I seem quite relaxed actually. Thank God for my come-what-may attitude because if I keep on obsessing about my grade I might actually become a patient at Davao Medical Center – Psychiatric Department.

Right now I am in relaxed mode but ready to face the challenge that my chosen profession may throw at me. Char. I have learned so much from this week. I have learned that I am actually a morning person than a night person; I learn more and retain more when I study in the morning than at night. Also, to pass medical-surgical nursing I need to borrow the great war plan: divide-and-conquer! I need to study and read ahead before the semi-finals if I really want to pass.

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